in the supernatural series, what did the women use to heat the cupping jars ?

Summary: When you're sore after a chase, Sam uses his noesis from his time at the health spa to help yous relax.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1698
Warnings: Fluff, very minor angst, cupping, smut, fingering
A/N: This takes care of the Cupping square for @spnkinkbingo​ and I had to do a off-white amount of research since the merely cupping I've ever seen is when Donna had information technology washed. :) This was beta'd by @saxxxology​ and gif made by me. Enjoy!


Stumbling into the kitchen, y'all rubbed a manus over the sore muscles in your neck with a groan. The last hunt you were on had ended with you having to carry six kids out of a vampire nest all while dodging Sam and Dean every bit they fought the bloodsuckers. Information technology felt similar you got hit by a truck… and you probably looked like it, likewise, judging by the way Dean grimaced when he saw you.

"Yikes. Morning time, sleepyhead," Dean greeted you, pointing to the coffee pot. "It'south fresh. Sam'south been looking for you, by the style."

Grunting some kind of mumbled thank you, you shuffled over to the pot of coffee and poured a cup, thoroughly burning your rima oris equally you downed the entire affair in three large swallows. Filling information technology once more, yous nodded at Dean and went off in search of Sam. Information technology was a Lord's day morning, so you knew exactly where he'd be.

"Sam?" you called out into the library, smiling when his head popped out from behind 1 of the shelves. "Hey, baby. Dean said you were lookin' for me?"

"Yup," he said, stepping closer and tucking a book nether his arm. "Exercise you trust me?"

Pressing a kiss to his lips, you ran your fingers through his chestnut locks. "Of form I practise."

"Okay, follow me." Sam grabbed your manus and pulled yous behind him as he walked out of the library, down the hallway, and into his room. There was dozens of candles lining nigh every flat surface in his room, and your eyes settled onto the towel draped table prepare at the foot of his bed. "Okay, so you lot call up that hunt we went on a few weeks agone? The ane at the health spa?"

"Where y'all ran into Donna? Yeah," you replied, frozen at the entrance to Sam'due south room.

"Well, they used a technique chosen cupping equally a class of massage therapy. It helps with inflammation, blood flow, relaxation…" When you raised a forehead, he smiled and stepped closer to y'all, tucking your hair behind your ear before he reached behind him and grabbed the book he had earlier, showing it to y'all. "I've been doing research and I wanted to try it with you lot. I know nosotros can't beget real massages, simply I've practiced on myself and I really retrieve it would help your body aches."

Plucking the inch-thick massage therapy teaching volume from his fingers, y'all studied the front and dorsum before looking up at him with a nervous smile. "You wanted to attempt this on me?"

Sam smiled and nodded, pressing a gentle osculation to your lips. "I can see how sore you've been, and I know you like information technology when I rub yous down earlier nosotros have sex, and so if y'all're willing to requite it a shot, I think it would make you feel so much improve."

Pulling your lesser lip between your teeth, you took a deep breath. You lot'd been dating Sam for iii years and you lot trusted him with your life. If he thought it would help, you'd give it a shot. "Alright. If I don't similar it, you'll finish, correct?"

Sam grinned, dimples intending his scruffy cheeks, and pecked your lips again. "Of class. Go alee and strip, lay face downwards on the table."

Of a sudden shy, you slowly stripped out of your clothes and set them on the chair at his desk with a chroma on your cheeks. Your hop onto the tabular array was less than graceful, but Sam steadied you with one large hand on your shoulder and helped y'all shift onto your tummy before draping a towel over your ass. When you turned your head, you lot spotted the tray of small glass jars and long matches.

You jumped slightly when Sam'southward hand landed on your back, and he chuckled softly. "It's okay, baby. Just relax. I'k going to rub your back with some massage oil, and then start placing the cups. They're going to exist warm, simply non hot, and information technology'southward gonna feel weird at first."

"'Kay," you murmured, closing your eyes every bit his hands started moving around your back. Even with the calluses on Sam'southward hands, he applied the perfect amount of pressure as he kneaded the muscles in your back. The small moans and groans spilling from your lips spurred him on, and he slipped his hands under the edge of the towel and gently massaged your ass. "Mmm, complimentary butt massage, likewise?"

"Yous know how much I honey your donkey," Sam murmured into your ear before pressing a osculation to your shoulder. When he removed his easily from your body, you grunted in protestation, but the cacophonous of glass fabricated your body tense over again. "Ready?"

"I guess," you whispered, tucking your arms under your head, watching as he picked upward i of the glass jars and struck a match. When he slid the lucifer into the jar, it ignited some kind of accelerant blanket the inside. Afterward a few seconds, Sam blew out the flame and turned toward you, gently placing the very warm jar onto your left shoulder blade. "Oh…"

Sam slid the jar around your peel a little bit and leaned downward, coming together your optics. "Are you okay?"

You hadn't realized, but your hands were gripping the edge of the table, knuckles white. The jar was cooling down, and Sam was correct, information technology did feel extremely strange as the vacuum inside the jar sucked upward your skin. "I'm… yep, I'm fine."

Sam studied your face and you relaxed your easily, tucking them under your head again and he nodded. "Remember, just let me know if y'all want me to terminate."

The next iii jars went on rapidly, just your trunk wouldn't relax. The new sensation was odd, and your hunters training was keeping you in fight-or-flight manner. Sam could tell, and he tried massaging your lower back again, but nothing was working. It felt like you were disappointing him, and you felt tears sting your eyes.

"I'thou sorry," you sniffled, "I but can't relax. It feels strange and my whole body is yelling at me that strange is bad and I need to run."

"Baby," he said sweetly, "it's not your fault." Sam crouched down next to you and wiped the tear away that was slipping over your nose. He hummed and looked downwards at your body before a mischievous smirk spread wide on his lips. "I think I may know how to get you to relax. You nevertheless trust me, correct?"

Nodding, you lot wiped a tear from the corner of your eye with a sniffle. Sam walked over to his sink and done his hands before returning to your side. When he pulled off the towel covering your donkey, y'all lifted your head and looked back at him. His hands were on you again, large hands massaging your ass, but his fingers began slowly working lower and lower, dancing across your exposed pussy.

When Sam's fingers spread your lips, you inhaled sharply and spread your legs slightly opening yourself upwards even more. A big finger slid up your slit earlier it plunged into your channel, making you gasp. When Sam began slowly pushing his digit in and out, your eyes fluttered closed and a soft moan spilled from your lips.

"That's it, baby, just relax for me. Such a good girl," Sam praised, slipping in a second finger and twisting his wrist every bit he slid in and out.

"Mmm, feels skillful," you murmured, finally feeling the tension brainstorm to go out your torso. The muscles in your arms and shoulders relaxed and went limp, and when Sam's thumb began rubbing tedious circles on your clit, you lot twitched and shuddered as pleasure ignited every nerve in your torso.

Sam used his other hand to tip over one of the jars and ignite some other match, lighting the inside of the cup. He picked it up and blew out the flame before gently placing it on the lower right side of your dorsum. The awareness made you tense, but Sam's fingers were still moving inside you and bringing yous closer and closer to the edge, and then you lot remained relaxed.

"Are you gonna come for me, Y/N?" Sam asked, pressing his pollex harder on your clit every bit his fingers curled and sped up, brushing right over your sweet spot. "Let become, babe."

The dam finally bankrupt and you came with a high pitched whine, shaking and twitching through your climax as a absurd coating of bliss settled over your entire body. Torso going limp, Sam's fingers continued to draw out every last second of your orgasm until you whined and squeezed your legs closed. You barely registered the adjacent three cups existence placed on your back, and you immune the warmth of the jars to seep into your muscles, pulling the remaining tension right out of them.

The next thing y'all felt was a hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you lot. "Y/North, wake up."

"What?" y'all rasped, blinking your eyes open up and smiling sleepily at Sam when he aptitude down to kiss y'all. "Did I fall asleep?"

Sam chuckled. "Yeah, you did," he lowered his vocalization, "right later you came."

Cheeks flushing, you ducked your head with a shy smile. "Guess I needed it in order to relax." Lifting your head, yous looked over your shoulder, spotting the circular marks on your dorsum; Sam must have removed the jars while you were comatose. "I have cup hickies."

"Yeah, yous do," Sam laughed. "How are you feeling?"

The cupping massage left you feeling relaxed and invigorated, which too fabricated you feel bold. Turning over, you licked your lips and looked up at Sam, cupping your breasts and gently pinching your nipples as they hardened under your affect.

"I call up it's my plough to help you lot relax, at present," you purred, sitting up and swinging your legs off the table.

Sam nodded eagerly and pulled his shirt over his caput, tossing information technology carelessly behind him, narrowly missing a candle. He held out his hand and you lot placed your own in his large palm, allowing him to guide y'all to his bed and then you could thank him for finally helping y'all relax.

Forevers [Closed]: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @just-another-busyfangirl @growningupgeek @jensen-gal @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @atc74 @pilaxia @supernatural-jackles @impala-dreamer @bambi95-web log @wonderfulworldofwinchester @batmmgray @brooke-supernatural16 @dwgrl1903 @hey-bxtch @turnttoverr @kittenofdoomage @leanbeankeane @emoryhemsworth @xalgaliareptx @mhnfatima @bi-e-ne @speakinvain @pebblesz892 @kararanae23 @kassablanca13 @mogaruke @tockettt @imagining-supernatural @wildefire @serienjunkiegirl @mrswhozeewhatsis @stars-and-seas @jaremish @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nyxveracity @andkatiethings @bamby0304 @deathtonormalcy56 @winchesterprincessbride @moonstar86 @missihart23 @mrs-meghan-winchester @miss-rebel-without-applause @dean-winchesters-bacon @researchandbones @wayward-angelgirl @bojabee

Sam: @hunterswearingplaid @focusonspn​ @spnwoman


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