what does it mean to have north african ancestry?

The genetic history of North Africa has been heavily influenced by geography. The Sahara desert to the south and the Mediterranean Body of water to the Northward were of import barriers to gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa and Europe in prehistoric times. Nonetheless, North Africa is connected to Southwest asia via the Isthmus of Suez and the Sinai peninsula, while at the Straits of Gibraltar Northward Africa and Europe are separated by but 15 km (9 mi), similarly Malta, Sicily and Crete are close to the coasts of North Africa.

Although North Africa has experienced gene flows from the surrounding regions, information technology has as well experienced long periods of genetic isolation, allowing a distinctive genetic "Berber marker" to evolve in the native Berber people, as well as the "Coptic marker" amidst Egyptian Copts. Today, this genetic "Berber mark" is consistently institute in the regions and populations that notwithstanding predominantly speak the Berber languages, as well as in the Atlantic Canary Islands. Similarly, the "Coptic marker" is plant among Egyptians, specially Coptic Christians in Egypt. A recent genetic study showed that modern North Africans retain a significant genetic component from Paleolithic Due north Africans of the Iberomaurusian period.[1]

Current scientific debate is concerned with determining the relative contributions of different periods of factor menstruation to the current genetic pool of Northward Africans. Anatomically modern humans are known to take been present in Northward Africa during the Middle Paleolithic (300,000 years ago), as attested by the by Jebel Irhoud 1.[2] Without morphological discontinuity, the Aterian was succeeded by the Iberomaurusian industry, whose lithic assemblages diameter close relations with the Cro-Magnon cultures of Europe and Southwest asia, rather than to the cultures of Sub Saharan Africa or the Horn of Africa.[3] The Iberomaurusian industry was succeeded past the West Asian influenced Capsian industry in the eastern part of North Africa (Arab republic of egypt, Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya, Tunisia).

In the seventh century A.D., parts of the Berber inhabited region was conquered past Muslim Umayyad Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula. Under the relatively brief Arab-Umayyad conquest and the after inflow of some bedouin Arabs and Levantine people from the Nearly E in Southwest asia and the arrival of some Sephardi Jews and North African Muslims fleeing the Spanish Catholic Reconquista of Iberia, a partial population mix or fusion "might" have taken place and "might" take resulted in some genetic diversity among some North Africans.[four] However, this partial fusion of Berbers and foreigners is mostly limited in terms of geographical distribution to the main Berber "urban areas" and some littoral plains of Northward Africa, and in the case of Sub Saharan Africans to the southern fringes of the Sahara, because migrants and refugees accept tended to gravitate towards major cities since ancient times and they tend to avert the heartland.[ not verified in body ] The Berber ethnic and genetic nature of North Africa (due west of Egypt) is still dominant, either prominently (as in language or ethnic identity) or subtly (every bit in civilization and genetic heritage).[ non verified in trunk ]

Y-chromosome [edit]

Haplogroup E is the most mutual paternal haplogroup among Berbers. It represents upward to 100 percentage of Y-chromosomes among some Berber populations. Haplogroup East is thought to have emerged in prehistoric North Africa or East Africa,[5] and would have later dispersed into Westward Asia. The major subclades of haplogroup Eastward found amidst Berbers vest to East-Z827, which is believed to accept emerged in N Africa. Common subclades include E1b1b1a, E1b1b1b and E1b1b1*. E1b1b1b is distributed forth a due west-to-east cline with frequencies that tin reach as loftier equally 100 percentage in Northwest Africa. E1b1b1a has been observed at low to moderate frequencies among Berber populations with significantly higher frequencies observed in Northeast Africa relative to Northwest Africa.[half dozen] [vii] [8]

West Eurasian haplogroups, such equally Haplogroup J and Haplogroup R1, have also been observed at moderate frequencies. A thorough study by Arredi et al. (2004), which analyzed populations from Algeria, concludes that the North African design of Y-chromosomal variation (including both J1 and E1b1b main haplogroups) is largely of Neolithic origin, which suggests that the Neolithic transition in this part of the earth was accompanied by demic improvidence of Berber–speaking pastoralists from the Middle East,[6] although subsequently papers take suggested that this date could accept been as long equally ten thousand years ago, with the transition from the Oranian to the Capsian culture in North Africa.[ix] All the same, Loosdrecht et al. 2018 demonstrated that E1b1b is well-nigh probable indigenous to North Africa and migrated from North Africa to the About East during the Paleolithic.[1]

E1b1b1b (Due east-M81); formerly E3b1b, E3b2 [edit]

Migration routes of haplogroup E and it'southward subclass. E1b1b is the most common paternal lineage amongst Afroasiatic-speakers of Northern Africa.

E1b1b1b (E-M81) is the most common Y chromosome haplogroup in North Africa, dominated by its sub-clade E-M183. Information technology is thought to have originated in North Africa 5,600 years ago. The parent clade, E1b1b, originated in Due east Africa.[5] [10] Colloquially referred to as the Berber Marking for its prevalence among Mozabite, Eye Atlas, and other Berber-speaking groups, E-M81 is too quite common among North African groups. It reaches frequencies of upward to 90 pct in some parts of the Maghreb. This includes the Saharawish for whose men Bosch et al. (2001) reports that approximately 76 pct are M81+.

This haplogroup is also found at high levels in Canary islands, Portugal, Espana as well equally much lower levels in S Italy and Provence. In Andalusia, it is generally more common than E1b1b1a (E-M78),[11] unlike the residual of Europe, and as a consequence E-M81 is found in parts of Latin America,[12] among Hispanic in USA.[13] As an infrequent case in Europe, this sub-clade of E1b1b1 has likewise been observed at twoscore percent the Pasiegos from Cantabria.[5]

In smaller numbers, E-M81 men can exist found in Malta, Northern Sudan, Republic of cyprus and amid Sephardic Jews.

At that place are ii recognized sub-clades, although one is much more common than the other.

Sub clades of E1b1b1b (E-M81):
  • E1b1b1b1 (Eastward-M107). Underhill et al. (2000) harvcoltxt mistake: no target: CITEREFUnderhill_et_al.2000 (help) found one example in Republic of mali.
  • E1b1b1b2 (E-M183). Individuals with the defining mark for this clade, M81, also exam positive, in tests and then far, for M183. As of October 23, 2008, the SNP M165 is currently considered to define a subclade, "E1b1b1b2a".[xiv]

Mitochondrial DNA [edit]

Individuals receive mtDNA only from their mothers. Co-ordinate to Macaulay et al. 1999, "one-third (33%) of Mozabite Berber mtDNAs have a Near Eastern ancestry, probably having arrived in North Africa less than l,000 years agone, and one-8th (12.five%) have an origin in sub-Saharan Africa. Europe appears to be the source of many of the remaining sequences, with the balance having arisen either in Europe or in the Near East".[15] Maca-Meyer et al. 2003 clarify the "autochthonous North African lineage U6" in mtDNA, and conclude that:

The most likely origin of the proto-U6 lineage was the Near E. Around 30,000 years ago it spread to Northward Africa where information technology represents a signature of regional continuity. Subgroup U6a reflects the first Northward African expansion from the Maghreb returning to the east in Paleolithic times. Derivative clade U6a1 signals a posterior movement from Northeast Africa back to the Maghreb and the Nigh East. This migration coincides with a possible Afroasiatic linguistic expansion.

A genetic study past Fadhlaoui-Zid et al. 2004 [16] argues concerning sure exclusively North African haplotypes that "expansion of this group of lineages took place around 10,500 years ago in North Africa, and spread to neighbouring population", and apparently that a specific Northwestern African haplotype, U6, probably originated in the Near Eastward 30,000 years ago accounts for 28 percent in Mozabites, xviii percent in Kabyles, but only accounts for 6-8 percentage in the southern Moroccan Berbers. Rando et al. 1998 "detected female person-mediated cistron flow from sub-Saharan Africa to NW Africa" amounting to every bit much as 21.5 per centum of the mtDNA sequences in a sample of NW African populations;[17] the corporeality varied from 82 pct in Tuaregs to less than 3 percent in Riffians in north of Morocco. This due north-s gradient in the sub-Saharan contribution to the gene pool is supported past Esteban et al. [18]

Even so, individual Berber communities display a considerably high mtDNA heterogeneity amongst them. The Berbers of Jerba Island, located in Due south Eastern Tunisia, display an 87 percent West Eurasian contribution with no U6 haplotypes,[19] while the Kesra of Tunisia, for example, display a much higher proportion of typical sub-Saharan mtDNA haplotypes (49 percentage),[20] every bit compared to the Zriba (8 percent). According to the article, "The Due north African patchy mtDNA landscape has no parallel in other regions of the world and increasing the number of sampled populations has not been accompanied by whatever substantial increase in our understanding of its phylogeography. Available information upwardly to now rely on sampling small, scattered populations, although they are advisedly characterized in terms of their ethnic, linguistic, and historical backgrounds. It is therefore doubtful that this motion picture truly represents the circuitous historical demography of the region rather than being just the result of the type of samplings performed and then far."

A 2005 study discovered a close mitochondrial link between Berbers and the Uralic speaking Saami of northern Scandinavia, and argues that Southwestern Europe and North Africa was the source of late-glacial expansions of hunter-gatherers that repopulated Northern Europe afterward a retreat s during the Last Glacial Maximum, and reveals a direct maternal link between those European hunter-gatherer populations and the Berbers.[21] With regard to Mozabite Berbers, one-3rd (33%) of Mozabite Berber mtDNAs have a About Eastern ancestry, probably having arrived in North Africa ~l,000 years ago, and 1-8th (12.five%) take an origin in sub-Saharan Africa. Europe appears to be the source of many of the remaining sequences, with the residue (54.5%) having arisen either in Europe or in the About East."[15]

According to the most recent and thorough study on Berber mtDNA from Coudray et al. 2008, which analysed 614 individuals from 10 different regions (Kingdom of morocco (Asni, Bouhria, Figuig, Souss), Algeria (Mozabites), Tunisia (Chenini-Douiret, Sened, Matmata, Jerba) and Egypt (Siwa)),[22] the results may be summarized as follows:

  • Total Westward Eurasian lineages (H, HV, R0, J, M, T, U, K, N1, N2, Ten) : lxxx per centum
  • Full African lineages (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5) : 20 percent

The Berber mitochondrial pool is characterized by an overall high frequency of Western Eurasian haplogroups, a markedly lower frequency of sub-Saharan L lineages, and a significant (but differential) presence of North African haplogroups U6 and M1.

There is a degree of dispute about when and how the minority sub-Saharan L haplogroups entered the N African gene pool. Some papers advise that the distribution of the main Fifty haplogroups in N Africa was mainly due to trans-Saharan slave trade, as espoused past Harich et .al in a written report conducted in 2010.[23] However, also in September 2010, a study of Berber mtDNA by Frigi et al. ended that many of L haplogroups were much older and introduced past an ancient African gene flow around twenty,000 years ago.[24]

Autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid [edit]

On 13 January 2012, an exhaustive genetic written report of North Africa'south homo populations was published in PLoS Genetics and was undertaken jointly by researchers in the Evolutionary Biology Institute (CSIC-UPF) and Stanford University, among other institutions.[25]

The report reveals that the genetic composition of Northward Africa'southward man populations is extremely complex, and the upshot of a local component dating dorsum thirteen thousand years to approximately 11,000 BC and the varied genetic influence of neighbouring populations on North African groups during successive migrations. Co-ordinate to David Comas, coordinator of the study and researcher at the Institute for Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), "some of the questions we wanted to answer were whether today's inhabitants are straight descendants of the populations with the oldest archaeological remains in the region, dating back fifty thousand years, or whether they are descendants of the Neolithic populations in the Middle East, which introduced agriculture to the region around nine chiliad years ago. We too wondered if there had been whatever genetic commutation between the North African populations and the neighbouring regions and if so, when these took identify".

To answer these questions, the researchers analyzed effectually 800,000 genetic markers, distributed throughout the entire genome in 125 North African individuals belonging to seven representative populations in the whole region, and the information obtained was compared with the information from the neighbouring populations.

The results of this study show that at that place is a native genetic component that defines North Africans and is "distinct" from Europeans, West Asians and Sub Saharan Africans. In-depth study of these markers shows that the people inhabiting North Africa today are non descendants of the earliest occupants of this region fifty thousand years ago, circa 48,000 BCE, just shows that the ancestors of today'south Due north Africans were a group of populations that settled in the region effectually thirteen thousand years ago, circa 15,000 BCE. Furthermore, this distinct local N African genetic component is very dissimilar from the one found in the populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Too as this local component, North African populations were too observed to share genetic markers with all the neighbouring regions (Southern Europe, W Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa), every bit a result of more contempo migrations, although these appear in unlike proportions.

In that location is a strong influence from Western asia beginning in the belatedly Paleolithic Era, which becomes less marked every bit the altitude from the Levant, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Southern Caucasus and Arabian Peninsula increases, similar proportions of European influence in all North African populations, and, in a minority of predominantly south Saharan populations, there are also individuals who nowadays significant proportions of influence from the Sub Saharan Africa in their genome.

A 2015 study by Dobon et al. identified an ancestral autosomal component of West Eurasian origin that is common in populations in Northern Africa. Known every bit the Coptic component, it peaks amidst Egyptian Copts, including those who settled in Sudan over the by two centuries. The Coptic component evolved out of a main North African and Centre Eastern ancestral component that is shared past other Egyptians and likewise plant at loftier frequencies among other populations in Northern Africa. The scientists suggest that this points to a mutual origin for the full general population of Egypt. They too associate the Coptic component with Ancient Egyptian ancestry, without the later minority Medieval Era Arabian and sub Saharan African influence that is present among other Egyptians.[26]

Co-ordinate to a paper published in 2017 most of the genetic studies in North African populations agree with a limited correlation between genetics and geography, and show a high population heterogeneity in the region. North African populations accept been described as a mosaic of North African, Middle Eastern, European and sub-Saharan ancestries. This explains the electric current genetic structure in North Africa, characterized by various and heterogeneous populations, and why nearby populations inhabiting the same location might be genetically more than distant than groups of people in geographically distant populations.[27]

The mod N African (Maghrebi) component is the chief autosomal element in the Maghreb. It peaks among the non-Arabized Berber populations in the region.[28] The modern Northern African (Maghrebi) population split up from the Arabian/European lineage in 12,000BC or already earlier during the pre-Holocene epoch, and arrived to Due north Africa with a "back-migration" from Eurasia, were they merged with "Ancient North Africans".[29]

A recent genetic study published in the "European Journal of Human Genetics" in Nature (2019) showed that Northern Africans are relatively closer related to Westward Asians and Europeans, than to W Africans and other African populations dwelling south of the Sahara.[xxx]

Genetic studies found that the Northward African Berber people are genetically various and harbor ethnic African (Sub-Saharan African) beginnings components, Middle Eastern-linked ancestry components, and European-linked beginnings components in varying degrees. The mod North African beginnings (Maghrebi component) formed from beginnings related to Sub-Saharan Africans and West-Eurasians during the pre-Holocene epoch. The historical Arab expansion into North Africa left strong cultural and genetic impact onto the local population.[31] "Ancient North Africans" formed a distinct ancestral lineage, just close to mod Sub-Saharan Africans, which merged with Paleolithic Eurasians, to form the North African ancestry component (Maghrebi component), commonly constitute among modern Northern Africans. Subsequent migration from the Middle East and Europe influenced the genetic makeup of Northern Africa.[32] [33]

Genetic influence [edit]

Y-chromosome DNA [edit]

The general parent Y-chromosome Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known equally E3b), which might have originated in North Africa, the Horn of Africa or the Virtually East[6] is by far the near common clade in North and Northeast Africa and found in select populations in Europe, particularly in the Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe. E1b1b reaches Hellenic republic, Republic of malta and the Balkan region in Europe simply is not equally loftier there equally information technology is among Northward African populations.[34] [ self-published source? ] [six] Outside of North and Northeast Africa, E1b1b's 2 most prevalent clades are E1b1b1a (Due east-M78, formerly E3b1a) and E1b1b1b (E-M81, formerly E3b1b).

A report from Semino (published 2004) showed that Y-chromosome haplotype E1b1b1b (Due east-M81), is specific to N African populations and almost absent in Europe and Sub Saharan Africa, except the Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and Sicily.[six] Another 2004 report showed that E1b1b1b is plant present, albeit at low levels throughout Southern Europe (ranging from ane.5 percent in Northern Italians, 2.2 percent in Cardinal Italians, 1.6 percent in Southern Spaniards, 3.5 percent in the French, 4 per centum in the Northern Portuguese, 12.2 percent in the Southern Portuguese and 41.2 pct in the genetic isolate of the Pasiegos from Cantabria).[5]

The findings of this latter study contradict a more thorough analysis Y-chromosome analysis of the Iberian peninsula according to which haplogroup E1b1b1b surpasses frequencies of x percentage in Southern Spain. The study points just to a very express influence from Northern Africa and West Asia in Iberia, both in historic and prehistoric times.[xi] The absence of microsatellite variation suggests a very contempo arrival from North Africa consistent with historical exchanges across the Mediterranean during the period of Islamic expansion, namely of Berber populations.[6] Even so, a study restricted to Portugal, apropos Y-chromosome lineages, revealed that "The mtDNA and Y-Dna information betoken that the presence of Berber related peoples in that region dates clearly prior to the Moorish expansion in 711 Advertising, so it'due south non contempo there at all. ... Our information point that male person Berbers, unlike sub-Saharan immigrants, constituted long-lasting and continuous customs in the country".[35]

A wide-ranging written report (published 2007) using six,501 unrelated Y-chromosome samples from 81 populations institute that: "Considering both these East-M78 sub-haplogroups (E-V12, Due east-V22, E-V65) and the E-M81 haplogroup, the contribution of northern African lineages to the entire male gene pool of Iberia (barring Pasiegos), continental Italian republic and Sicily can be estimated every bit 5.six percent, 3.half dozen per centum and 6.half dozen percent, respectively."[36] It has too been argued that the European distribution of E-M78 and its sub-clades is compatible with the Neolithic demic diffusion of agriculture, but likewise peradventure partly from at least, the Mesolithic. For example, Battaglia et al. (2007) harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFBattagliaFornarinoAl-ZaheryOlivieri2007 (help) estimated that E-M78 (called E1b1b1a1 in that paper) has been in Europe longer than x,000 years. In support of this theory, man remains excavated in a Spanish funeral cavern dating from approximately 7,000 years ago were shown to be in this haplogroup.[37] More recently, two Due east-M78 take been establish in the Neolitich Sopot and Lengyel cultures from the same menstruation.[38] [17] which seems supported by the most recent studies (including autosomal research).

A very contempo study nigh Sicily by Gaetano et al. 2008 establish that "The Hg E3b1b-M81, widely diffused in northwestern African populations, is estimated to contribute to the Sicilian gene pool at a rate of 6 pct."[39]

According to the virtually recent and thorough written report about Iberia by Adams et al. 2008 that analysed 1,140 unrelated Y-chromosome samples in Iberia, a limited contribution of northern African lineages to the entire male person genetic pool of Iberia was found : "mean North African admixture is merely 10.six percentage, with wide geographical variation, ranging from zip in Gascony to 21.7 per centum in Northwest Castile".[xl]

Ralph & Coop 2013 determined that Italians and Iberians, in fact, share very few common ancestors with other populations over at least, the final 2.500 years, different all the other European populations, present on the study, so North African contribution in both peninsulas is very likely limited (always a minority even in 'hotspot' areas), many times constituted past ancient haplogroups, and in many cases, geographically non compatible with Berber Moor invasion.[41]

Mitochondrial DNA [edit]

Genetic studies on Iberian populations also prove that N African mitochondrial DNA sequences (haplogroup U6) and sub-Saharan sequences (Haplogroup L), although present at only low levels, are still at higher levels than those generally observed elsewhere in Europe, though very likely, most of the L mtDNA that has been found in minor amounts in Iberia, is actually pre-neolithic in origin, equally it was demonstrated past María Cerezo et al., (Reconstructing aboriginal mitochondrial Dna links between Africa and Europe) and U6 too, which also accept a very sometime presence in Iberia, since Iberia has a great variety in lineages from this haplogroup, it was already found in some local hunter-gatherer remains and its local geographic distribution is not uniform, in many cases, with Moor occupation area.[42] [43] [44] Haplogroup U6 have also been detected in Sicily and Southern Italy at much lower frequencies.[45] It happens besides to be a characteristic genetic marker of the Saami populations of Northern Scandinavia.[21]

It is difficult to ascertain that U6's presence is the consequence of Islam's expansion into Europe during the Middle Ages, peculiarly because information technology is more frequent in the west of the Iberian Peninsula rather than in the east. In smaller numbers information technology is also attested in the British Isles, again in its northern and western borders. It may exist a trace of a prehistoric Neolithic/Megalithic/Mesolithic or fifty-fifty Upper Paleolithic expansion along the Atlantic coasts from Northward Africa or Iberian Peninsula, perhaps in conjunction with seaborne trade, although an culling, simply less likely explanation, would attribute this distribution in Northern Britain to the Roman period. 1 subclade of U6 is particularly common among Canarian Spaniards as a effect of native Guanche (proto-Berber) ancestry.[ citation needed ]

Ancient DNA [edit]

Unlike Sub Saharan Africans, North Africans have a like level of Neanderthal Deoxyribonucleic acid to S Europeans and West Asians, which is pre Neolithic in origin, rather than via any after admixture with peoples from outside of Northward Africa during the historical menstruation. It was found that modern North Africans derive mainly from a "back to Africa" population from Eurasia "from earlier 12,000 years ago (ya) (i.e., prior to the Neolithic migrations)" but more recent than forty,000 years agone which seems to "correspond a genetic discontinuity with the primeval modern human settlers of North Africa (those with the Aterian industry).[46]

In 2013, Nature announced the publication of the commencement genetic study utilizing next-generation sequencing to define the ancestral lineage of an Ancient Egyptian individual. The research was led by Carsten Pusch of the University of Tübingen in Germany and Rabab Khairat, who released their findings in the Periodical of Applied Genetics. DNA was extracted from the heads of v Egyptian mummies that were housed at the institution. All the specimens were dated to between 806 BC and 124 Advertising, a timeframe corresponding with the Late Dynastic and Ptolemaic periods. The researchers observed that one of the mummified individuals probable belonged to the mtDNA haplogroup I2, a maternal clade that is believed to have originated in Southwest asia.[47]

In 2013, Iberomaurusian skeletons from the prehistoric sites of Taforalt and Afalou in the Maghreb were analyzed for ancient DNA. All of the specimens belonged to maternal clades associated with either North Africa or the northern and southern Mediterranean coastal, indicating gene flow between these areas since the Epipaleolithic.[48] The ancient Taforalt individuals carried the mtDNA haplogroups U6, H, JT and V, which points to population continuity in the region dating from the Iberomaurusian period.[49]

The E1b1b-M81 (~44%), R-M269 (~44%), and E-M132/E1a (~6%) paternal haplogroups accept been found in ancient Guanche (Bimbapes) fossils excavated in Punta Azul, El Hierro, Canary Islands, which are dated to the 10th century. Maternally, the specimens all vest to the H1 clade. These locally born individuals carried the H1-16260 haplotype, which is exclusive to the Canary Islands and Algeria. Analysis of their autosomal STRs indicates that the Guanches of the Canary Islands were most closely related to Moroccan Berbers.[50]

In 2018, DNA analysis of Afterwards Rock Age individuals from the site of Taforalt (Iberomaurusian, 15 000 BP) and Early Neolithic Moroccans from the site of Ifri North' Ammar (7 000 BP) revealed that they were related to the modern North Africans and carried Y-Dna E-M35, East-M215*, East-L19*, and E-M78*. These studies confirmed a long-term genetic continuity in the region showing that Mesolithic Moroccans are similar to Afterward Stone Age individuals from the same region and possess an endemic component retained in present-day Maghrebi populations (representing 20% to 50% of their total ancestry).[1] [51]

A 2018 re-analysis of autosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid using modernistic populations as a reference, institute that the ancient Natufian samples harbored a distinct African ancestry component, common among modern Omotic-speakers. This Omotic-related ancestry (related to modern Sub-Saharan Africans) makes up 6.8% of the ancient Natufian ancestry, and may be associated with the spread of Proto-Afroasiatic and the specific Y-haplogroup sublineage E-M215, also known as "E1b1b", which is too common among modern Afroasiatic-speaking groups. The same component is found at higher frequency among the Iberomaurusian Taforalt sample.[52]

See also [edit]

  • Y-Dna haplogroups in populations of North Africa
  • Population history of Arab republic of egypt
  • Ethnic groups of North Africa
  • African admixture in Europe
  • Genetic studies on Jews
  • Genetic studies on Arabs
  • Genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula
  • Genetic studies on Moroccans
  • Genetic history of the Middle Due east

References [edit]

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  12. ^ See the remarks of genetic genealogist Robert Tarín for example. We can add vi.1 percent (viii out of 132) in Cuba, Mendizabal et al. (2008) harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFMendizabal_et_al.2008 (assistance); 5.4 percentage (6 out of 112) in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), "The presence of chromosomes of North African origin (E3b1b-M81; Cruciani et al., 2004) can also exist explained by a Portuguese-mediated influx, since this haplogroup reaches a frequency of 5.6 percent in Portugal (Beleza et al., 2006), quite similar to the frequency plant in Rio de Janeiro (5.iv percent) among European contributors.", Silva et al. (2006) harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFSilva_et_al.2006 (assist) [ verification needed ]
  13. ^ two.4 percent (7 out of 295) among Hispanic men from California and Hawaii, Paracchini et al. (2003) harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFParacchini_et_al.2003 (assistance) [ verification needed ]
  14. ^ Y-Dna Haplogroup East and its Subclades - 2008
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  35. ^ Gonçalves, Rita; Freitas, Ana; Branco, Marta; Rosa, Alexandra; Fernandes, Ana T.; Zhivotovsky, Lev A.; Underhill, Peter A.; Kivisild, Toomas; Brehm, António (July 2005). "Y-chromosome Lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Açores Record Elements of Sephardim and Berber Ancestry: Y-chromosome Lineages in Portugal and the Atlantic Islands". Register of Human being Genetics. 69 (4): 443–454. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2005.00161.10. PMID 15996172. S2CID 3229760.
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  37. ^ Lacan, Marie; Keyser, Christine; Ricaut, François-Xavier; Brucato, Nicolas; Tarrús, Josep; Bosch, Angel; Guilaine, Jean; Crubézy, Eric; Ludes, Bertrand (8 November 2011). "Ancient Deoxyribonucleic acid suggests the leading role played by men in the Neolithic dissemination". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108 (45): 18255–18259. Bibcode:2011PNAS..10818255L. doi:10.1073/pnas.1113061108. PMC3215063. PMID 22042855.
  38. ^ Szecsenyi-Nagy, Anna (2015). Molecular genetic investigation of the Neolithic population history in the western Carpathian Basin (Thesis). doi:ten.25358/openscience-1856.
  39. ^ Di Gaetano, Cornelia; Cerutti, Nicoletta; Crobu, Francesca; Robino, Carlo; Inturri, Serena; Gino, Sarah; Guarrera, Simonetta; Underhill, Peter A; Rex, Roy J; Romano, Valentino; Cali, Francesco; Gasparini, Mauro; Matullo, Giuseppe; Salerno, Alfredo; Torre, Carlo; Piazza, Alberto (January 2009). "Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome". European Journal of Human Genetics. 17 (i): 91–99. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.120. PMC2985948. PMID 18685561. "The co-occurrence of the Berber E3b1b-M81 (ii.12 percent) and of the Mid-Eastern J1-M267 (three.81 percent) Hgs together with the presence of E3b1a1-V12, E3b1a3-V22, E3b1a4-V65 (5.5 percent) support the hypothesis of intrusion of North African genes. (...) These Hgs are common in Northern Africa and are observed merely in Mediterranean Europe and together the presence of the E3b1b-M81 highlights the genetic relationships between northern Africa and Sicily. (...) Hg E3b1b-M81 network cluster confirms the genetic analogousness between Sicily and North Africa."
  40. ^ Adams, Susan M.; Bosch, Elena; Balaresque, Patricia Fifty.; Ballereau, Stéphane J.; Lee, Andrew C.; Arroyo, Eduardo; López-Parra, Ana M.; Aler, Mercedes; Grifo, Marina S. Gisbert; Brion, Maria; Carracedo, Angel; Lavinha, João; Martínez-Jarreta, Begoña; Quintana-Murci, Lluis; Picornell, Antònia; Ramon, Misericordia; Skorecki, Karl; Behar, Doron M.; Calafell, Francesc; Jobling, Marking A. (December 2008). "The Genetic Legacy of Religious Diverseness and Intolerance: Paternal Lineages of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula". The American Periodical of Man Genetics. 83 (half-dozen): 725–736. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2008.xi.007. PMC2668061. PMID 19061982.
  41. ^ Ralph, Peter; Coop, Graham (seven May 2013). "The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe". PLOS Biology. 11 (5): e1001555. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001555. PMC3646727. PMID 23667324.
  42. ^ Plaza, South.; Calafell, F.; Helal, A.; Bouzerna, N.; Lefranc, G.; Bertranpetit, J.; Comas, D. (2003). "Joining the Pillars of Hercules: MtDNA Sequences Show Multidirectional Gene Flow in the Western Mediterranean". Register of Human Genetics. 67 (four): 312–28. doi:10.1046/j.1469-1809.2003.00039.10. PMID 12914566. S2CID 11201992. But very likely, most of the Fifty mtDNA that has been found in minor amounts in Iberia, is actually pre-neolithic in origin, as it was demonstrated by María Cerezo et al., (Reconstructing ancient mitochondrial Dna links between Africa and Europe). "Haplogroup U6 is present at frequencies ranging from 0-7 percent in the various Iberian populations, with an average of 1.viii percent. Given that the frequency of U6 in NW Africa is ten per centum, the mtDNA contribution of NW Africa to Iberia can be estimated at 18 percent (though U6 has been found in many Iberian hunter-gatherer remains likewise). This is larger than the contribution estimated with Y-chromosomal lineages (vii percent) (Bosch et al. 2001).
  43. ^ Pereira, Luisa; Cunha, Carla; Alves, Cintia; Amorim, Antonio (2005). "African Female Heritage in Iberia: A Reassessment of mtDNA Lineage Distribution in Nowadays Times". Man Biological science. 77 (2): 213–229. doi:x.1353/hub.2005.0041. hdl:10216/109268. PMID 16201138. S2CID 20901589. "Although the absolute value of observed U6 frequency in Iberia is low, information technology reveals a discernible North African female contribution, if we keep in mind that haplogroup U6 is not very common in Due north Africa itself and near absent in the rest of Europe. Indeed, considering the range of variation in western North Africa is 4-28 percentage, the estimated minimum input is viii.54 percent"
  44. ^ González, Ana M.; Brehm, Antonio; Pérez, José A.; Maca-Meyer, Nicole; Flores, Carlos; Cabrera, Vicente M. (Apr 2003). "Mitochondrial DNA affinities at the Atlantic fringe of Europe: Mitochondrial DNA in Atlantic Europe". American Journal of Concrete Anthropology. 120 (4): 391–404. doi:10.1002/ajpa.10168. PMID 12627534. "Our results clearly reinforce, extend, and clarify the preliminary clues of an 'important very ancient mtDNA contribution from northwest Africa into the Iberian Peninsula' (Côrte-Real et al., 1996; Rando et al., 1998; Flores et al., 2000a; Rocha et al., 1999)(...) Our own information allow the states to make minimal estimates of the maternal African pre-Neolithic, Neolithic, and/or recent slave trade input into Iberia. For the former, nosotros consider but the mean value of the U6 frequency in Northern African populations, excluding Saharans, Tuareg, and Mauritanians (sixteen percentage), every bit the pre-Neolithic frequency in that expanse, and the nowadays frequency in the whole Iberian Peninsula (2.3 percent) equally the result of the northwest African gene menses at that time. The value obtained (fourteen percent) could exist as high every bit 35 percent using the data of Corte-Real et al. (1996), or 27 percent with our northward Portugal sample."
  45. ^ Achilli, Alessandro; Olivieri, Anna; Pala, Maria; Metspalu, Ene; Fornarino, Simona; Battaglia, Vincenza; Accetturo, Matteo; Kutuev, Ildus; Khusnutdinova, Elsa; Pennarun, Erwan; Cerutti, Nicoletta; Di Gaetano, Cornelia; Crobu, Francesca; Palli, Domenico; Matullo, Giuseppe; Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Silvana; Cavalli-Sforza, L. Luca; Semino, Ornella; Villems, Richard; Bandelt, Hans-Jürgen; Piazza, Alberto; Torroni, Antonio (April 2007). "Mitochondrial DNA Variation of Modern Tuscans Supports the About Eastern Origin of Etruscans". The American Journal of Human Genetics. fourscore (four): 759–768. doi:10.1086/512822. PMC1852723. PMID 17357081. "i.33% (3/226) in Calabria and 1.28 percent in Campania"
  46. ^ Sánchez-Quinto, Federico; Botigué, Laura R.; Civit, Sergi; Arenas, Conxita; Ávila-Arcos, María C.; Bustamante, Carlos D.; Comas, David; Lalueza-Play a trick on, Carles (17 Oct 2012). "North African Populations Carry the Signature of Admixture with Neandertals". PLOS ONE. 7 (x): e47765. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...747765S. doi:ten.1371/journal.pone.0047765. PMC3474783. PMID 23082212.
  47. ^ Khairat, Rabab; Ball, Markus; Chang, Chun-Chi Hsieh; Bianucci, Raffaella; Nerlich, Andreas Chiliad.; Trautmann, Martin; Ismail, Somaia; Shanab, Gamila M. Fifty.; Karim, Amr M.; Gad, Yehia Z.; Pusch, Carsten Thousand. (August 2013). "First insights into the metagenome of Egyptian mummies using adjacent-generation sequencing". Journal of Applied Genetics. 54 (3): 309–325. doi:ten.1007/s13353-013-0145-1. PMID 23553074. S2CID 5459033.
  48. ^ Kefi R, Bouzaid Due east, Stevanovitch A, Beraud-Colomb E (June 2013). MITOCHONDRIAL DNA AND PHYLOGENETIC Analysis OF PREHISTORIC NORTH AFRICAN POPULATIONS (PDF). 8th ISABS Conference in Forensic, Anthropologic and Medical Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Translational Medicine. Split, Republic of croatia: ISABS. p. 232. ISBN978-953-57695-0-7. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 March 2016. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  49. ^ Bernard Secher; Rosa Fregel; José Grand Larruga; Vicente Grand Cabrera; Phillip Endicott; José J Pestano; Ana M González (2014). "The history of the Due north African mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6 factor flow into the African, Eurasian and American continents". BMC Evolutionary Biological science. 14: 109. doi:ten.1186/1471-2148-14-109. PMC4062890. PMID 24885141.
  50. ^ Ordóñez, Alejandra C.; Fregel, R.; Trujillo-Mederos, A.; Hervella, Montserrat; de-la-Rúa, Concepción; Arnay-de-la-Rosa, Matilde (February 2017). "Genetic studies on the prehispanic population buried in Punta Azul cave (El Hierro, Canary Islands)". Journal of Archaeological Science. 78: 20–28. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2016.xi.004.
  51. ^ Fregel, Rosa; Méndez, Fernando L.; Bokbot, Youssef; Martín-Socas, Dimas; Camalich-Massieu, María D.; Santana, Jonathan; Morales, Jacob; Ávila-Arcos, María C.; Underhill, Peter A.; Shapiro, Beth; Wojcik, Genevieve; Rasmussen, Morten; Soares, André E. R.; Kapp, Joshua; Sockell, Alexandra; Rodríguez-Santos, Francisco J.; Mikdad, Abdeslam; Trujillo-Mederos, Aioze; Bustamante, Carlos D. (26 June 2018). "Aboriginal genomes from North Africa show prehistoric migrations to the Maghreb from both the Levant and Europe". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (26): 6774–6779. doi:10.1073/pnas.1800851115. PMC6042094. PMID 29895688.
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Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_history_of_North_Africa#:~:text=Unlike%20Sub%20Saharan%20Africans%2C%20North,Africa%20during%20the%20historical%20period.

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